Please join us - Everyone is Welcome

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The text you enter here will be shown for anyone who sees this page. We're putting some example text here, just so you have an idea of what this section might look like when you have real content in it. You don't have to keep reading this. It's just meant to give you a feel for what this page will look like at a glance. If you've ever tried to write filler text like this, you know that it can actually be tough to come up with words that look normal as a placeholder. But fortunately, we've had a lot of experience writing meaningless sentences.

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Come as you are

We are a community of people who are seeking to advance the Kingdom of God by pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everyone is welcome whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. 

Jesus is the great story changer and life transformer. No one has ever lived like He did, no one has ever done what He has, and no one is too far outside his power to reach and transform. We have been transformed by His life, love and forgiveness. Come join us one Sunday as we worship Him and continue to be changed by Him. He is for you! What we believe.